I have not had a cable TV subscription for 2+ years
This is cool though. I do miss #NFL football and sitting all day with my fantasy #football team while I engage in "friendly" competition with my colleagues, friends and family. #eBay is making shopping a unique experience (again), and this time with an #iPad app that allows you to purchase while you watch. The downside of this (for me) is that I would typically not watch commercials and be switching between 4-6 games at a time on multiple screens.
Why not advertise in the lower thirds of the screen? Premium spot (even if annoying at times), yet popping a #QR code in the bottom right of the screen for a players jersey would work for me. I once bought a Hines Ward Jersey after watching him demolish a team. that was 6+ years ago. Also, in #Europe they show NFL games so differently. Used to #soccer they really do not have the sponsorships/advertisers that the US has. So instead of the mind numbing #commercial breaks they switch to commentators who analyze the game and talk strategy. PERFECT time for those QR codes and advertising. I enjoy watch UK broadcasts online much more than in the US.
Do I see myself getting #cable #fios or #satellite #TV again soon? Nope, but I am still a huge fan of #innovation of all forms. The annoying threshold must be watched though!
Who still has cable? Is this innovation of interest to you (sports or otherwise)?
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App helps viewers shop while watching TV programs
TORONTO (Reuters) – Looking for the dress you saw on a hit television show or the jerseys worn during a football game or soccer match? An iPad app aims to help viewers shop while watching TV.Unlike te…
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